Keep Studying from Home

Currently, there is an unprecedented increase in remote work happening around the world due to circumstances resulting from COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease).
If you're asking your students to study remotely - we’re here to keep your team and students connected on any device, enabling you to keep provide education moving from anywhere.

Our Distance Learning Management (DLM) Platform that provides practice exercises, Live Classes conducted over Video Chat, Training videos, Screen-Sharing, 3D live avatar, Study material, Homework Assignment, Exam Practice/Placement Test, Project Assignment, Exam Preparation, Final Examination, Marks and Grading, as well as access Performance reporting, Performance Email, Progress Reports and Class Room Forums

Health Signature

Why Health Signature?

• Health Signature is a modern and professional Web-based college/institute management system with integrated MIS and Content management System.
• It is very easy to use and user interface is very clear for better user experience
• Outstanding native mobile app for teachers and students linked with college/institute database, support push notification.
• Modern portals for Administration, Teachers, Receptionist, librarian, Accountant, and Students
• Advance Admissions and Enrollment Solution
• Advance Accounting solution, Invoicing System. Support Manual & Automatic Invoicing generation Fee Discount and online Payment Gateway Integration Support.
• Advanced HR Modules including Payroll Salary, Vacation, Staff Attendance and many other modules in Plan for next releases.

Health Signature is the most powerful tool to open a door for bright future


Health Signature software offers the most ever user-friendly college/institute management system, with more than 200+ features, including admission & course management, grade books, attendance & leave management, hostel & transport management, e-books & library management, HR management, invoicing, inventory, advanced user management with unlimited user roles, mail & SMS management, Online payments Gateways & SMS gateway, 100+ reports and many more.


Fast Performance

Painless data migration from most platforms

Easy to use

Minimal training required, even for less savvy users


Most aspects of Health Signature are configurable to suit your needs

Great support

Friendly and professional staff that is ready to help you


System Administration

'Health Signature' provides system administrator (Admin) with overall rights to manage different activities in the system. Admin get overview with key statics info-graphic and has almost full rights in the system Manage day to day activities. Admin manage the categories and subcategories, define the menu and user master (i.e. create logins for different users) based on requirements.



Health Signature is a new media of interaction between teachers and students where teachers can create a specified learning plan for individual students. They are authorized to add and update records. For example, a teacher can add notes to students with regards to any academic information.



Health Signature let students directly interact with the teachers and perform various tasks like checking routine, academic curriculum and accessing other forms of information from the portal. It makes learning a bit easier by minimizing the efforts needed to communicate.



Manage all front office related activities.



Complete library management system (LMS). Manage the huge stock of books and create your own digital library.



Manages student fees and expenses all at a place



Super Admin can add unlimited staff members and assign them roles and permission accordingly.

  • Student

    Student Login Access and Download course syllabus and collaboration with college/institute activities including exam, marks, class routine, communicates with teacher

  • Teachers

    Check Student Details; Take Attendance, Manage marks and all student & academic activities